
EDIT 4100 Fall 2024 - Blog for ISTE & Educational Technologies

   EDIT 4100 Fall 2024 - ISTE & Educational Technologies Blog For the blog posts, you will explore and write a synopsis of ISTE standards for learners and educational technologies. Your blog posts may address how some of these technologies could be used in different educational settings and how they can be used to address various gaps in education like equity, access, and availability of technology resources in different schools/colleges.  The blog post or responses has to include: - a summary of the ISTE standards for learners (what is the ISTE standard for learners you are blogging about, and which aspect did you decide to write about?)  - choose a “free technology, web-based technology, or free mobile/tablet app” from the website Think about how the technologies and the ISTE standards for learners can be applied together in a learning context. - Mention two to three learning activities with the selected educational technologies an...

Edit 4100-01 Empowered Learner (Group 12) Melissa Diaz, Tiffany Gaona

Empowered Learner   Melissa Diaz, Tiffany Gaona    Summary of Standards Standard 1a :  Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes. Standard 1b. Build networks & learning environments:  Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process. Standard 1c . Seek Feedback:  Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.   Standard 1d :  Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.   Technological Resources: 1.  Writable :  Is an extensive web-based writing program. It focuses on...

EDIT 4100-01 Group 11: Rene, Crystal, and Dalaina - Computational Thinker

  Summary: The ISTE standard for Computational Thinking is mainly supporting all educators who wish to make their dreams come true. The ISTE standard for computational thinking involves mainly educators’ mindsets, their knowledge, and their skills. The aspect that we decided to write about would be Equity Leader (Leader). Equity Leaders stood out to us the most because the leaders (the teachers) have the opportunity to become Computational Thinkers like their students. In this specific aspect of Computational Thinking, both teachers and their students can give each other the help, support, and even better communicate with each other. Being an Equity Leader in Computational Thinking is important because it can also provide citizenship, leadership, following directions, and communicating with one another. Without Equity Leaders as an aspect, it makes it difficult for educators to create professional goals and to realize that computing and society work best with many opportunities. We...

EDIT 4000- (Group 9) Shannon Djie, Esther Yi (Computational Thinker)

Computational Thinker Group 9: Shannon Djie, Esther Yi Summary of Standards As a Computational thinker, students will make use of technology to understand and solve problems by developing and testing solutions. Standard 5a : Problem Definitions Students will formulate problem definitions such as data analysis, abstract models, and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions Standard 5b : Data Sets Students will collect data or data sets and use digital tools for analysis and utilize the information they have gathered to solve a problem or make a decision.

Group 7 Jose Espinoza & Karen Olivas Innovative designers

  Innovative designers ISTE Student Standard(s) : 4  Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems. -Students are familiar with and apply the intentional design process while coming up with concepts, verifying hypotheses, making original objects, or resolving real-world issues. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks. -Students are able to account for calculated risks in their designs and will know how to plan and manage a design process that will give them satisfactory results.  Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process. -Prototypes are created, tested, and improved by students as part of an iterative design process. Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems. -students are able ...

Group 7 Innovative Designers

 Insightful Designers ISTE Standards for learners: Standard 4a: Design Process Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts, or solving authentic problems.  -Constantly looking at what they did and what it is telling us, what is next, sometimes there are more questions than answers, uses the mistakes or results as data to see how to improve, try again. Standard 4b: Design Constraints Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks. -Students begin to think about what if they do something and what the outcome may be; not limited to anything, they have complete control over the direction they want to go and what tools and skills to use. Standard 4c: Prototypes Students develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process. -Reflect on their design which helps drive their next steps forward; something may c...

EDIT4100 Group 8 Innovative designers Brianna, Kenny, Marlene

  EDIT Group Assignment Summary The ISTE standards overview how students must demonstrate competency in learning goals and recognise the benefits of working in the digital world. Using the internet must always be used safely and ethically. Using digital tools, students will understand what they are creating while creating experiences in their learning. There is a range of technology that students can use to become problem solvers in their given scenarios. Students should be able to clearly explain in detail the steps that they have taken to create digital projects while also collaborating with others. In this blog, we will be writing about The ISTE Standard 4: Innovative Design. We will be focusing on 4a. Know and use a deliberate design process.  mobile/tablet app” from Hypersay is an app that can be used to present to students. It is very similar to zoom but it is much more versatile with the use of slides and other things y...